Moultrie Camera FAQ


What batteries should I use with my Moultrie Camera?

SD Cards

What SD card should I use with my Moultrie Camera?

How often should I replace my SD Card?

How do I format my SD card?

Photo Issues

Why won’t my Moultrie camera take photos?

Why is my Moultrie camera taking photos with nothing in the frame?

Why is my Moultrie camera taking black photos at night?

Why is my Moultrie camera taking black and white photos during the day?

If I am getting black photos at night because my IR filter is stuck, what do I do?

Hardware Issues

How do I do a “hard reset” on my Moultrie camera?

What do I do if my Moultrie camera won’t turn on, or if my camera won’t stay on?

What do I do if my camera says SD Card Lock or No Memory?

Still can't find the answer you need? Click here to view the Basic Camera Troubleshooting Guide